E-Mail Directory

A-H | I-M | N-R | S-Z

This directory cannot be used to either promote or sell a commercial product.

User E-Mail Address
Francell Abbott blak_ninja@yahoo.com
Adcock Carpentry
Donald and Christie Adcock
Mark Adkins sarahmic@cstone.net
Wayne Alchin SSgtAlchin@aol.com
Cathy Allen callen@halifax.com
David Allen dallen@halifax.com
Judi Allen jallen@gcronline.com
Kristin Allen kris8705@hotmail.com
Lloyd Allen lhallen@adelphia.net
Sara Allen Callen@halifax.com
Brandy Allred chinadoll@cstone.net
David Ammons
Lori Ammons
Anthony Anderson stealth@halifax.com
April Anderson aanderson@halifax.k12.va.us
Shavia Anderson scooby@gcronline.com
Brenda  Anderson bren@gcronline.com
Derek Glenn Anderson derekglennanderson@hotmail.com
Drew Anderson realestate4u@gcronline.com
Drew & Tracy Anderson tla_mla@yahoo.com
Lisa Francis-Anderson UOPStudent24@aol.com
Meredith Anderson dlfarm@halifax.com
Stephanie Anderson tickleme21@hotmail.com
Neba Andrews ranger@gcronline.com
Earl & Teresa Arrington bigearl@gcronline
Lena Arrington arington@meckcom.net
Ash Avenue Baptist Church aabc@pure.net
Becky Ashby
Lee Ashby
Barbara Chaney Baggett barbarabaggett@hotmail.com
Gene Bailey gfbailey@gcronline.com
La Donna Baker naturist_@hotmail.com
Clara Balducci ducci@gcronline.com
Andy Balkus andybalki@yahoo.com
Charles Bane cse@gcronline.com
Tiffanni Thomas Bane tweetytlt@yahoo.com
Ashley Barber barbergirl89@hotmail.com
Jim Barczak
Marliss Barczak
Cary H.  Barksdale, Jr. cbarksdale@gcronline.com
Kathy Barksdale kathybooher@yahoo.com
Owen & Nell Barksdale brksdale@meckcom.net
Rachael and Jamie Barksdale rbarksdale@gcronline.com
Nicole Barrett TheAngel17@hotmail.com
Caroline Paul Bartee leobabydoll@hotmail.com
Nelson Baskerville tank_soldier1@hotmail.com
Billie Jean Baylous bjbaylous@gcronline.com
Barbara and Richard Beam rwbeam@sunlink.net
Brandy Beard brandy_beard@hotmail.com
Sherri Bee beehive@gcronline.com
Behavioral Health Associates, Inc. jrose@gcronline.com 
Will Benassi wbenassi@msn.com
Elizabeth Rumbaugh Bennett winneepooh65@hotmail.com
Charles E. Bing cebing@meckcom.net
Dennis, Lisa, Dennis, Jr.,Melissa & John Blanks dblanks@gcronline.com
Doug & Sybil Blanks dobl@cstone.net
Larry W. Blanks lblanks@gcronline.com
Susie Blanks slb03@hotmail.com
Theresa Blanks wackerdoo@ntelos.net
Adam Blosser blosser41@yahoo.com
Steve Blosser blossershack@gcronline.com
Blue Ridge Beverage Company brbsouth@gcronline.com
Jewel Boelte
Ronald Boelte
Robin Boelte rcboelte@yahoo.com
Tim Boelte tboelte@pure.net
Annette Bogan abogan@gcronline.com
Bryon & Susan Bomar Bomars@meckcom.net
Peggy, Buddy, Sherry & Jessica Bomar bomars@cstone.net
Kathy Booher kathybooher@yahoo.com
Randall Bordelon Sr. & Casie Bordelon rbordelon@gcronline.com
Randall Bordelon Jr. cheifrocky@hotmail.com
Priscilla S. Bouldin psbouldin@gcronline.com
Boston Lumber Company blc@gcronline.com
Ann Elizabeth Bowen bowen2ae@jmu.edu
Bo Bowen luckybo@gcronline.com
Jason Bowen jblawnmowers@yahoo.com
Kay Bowen
Kim Bowen
Marilyn Bowen mbowen@gcronline.com
Seth Bowen seth_bowen@hotmail.com
Wayne & Paulette Bowen thebowens@gcronline.com
Curtis Bowes curbow310@aol.com
Tabitha Bowes tabowes@ntelos.net
Matthew Bowman Bowman-1@attbi.com
Todd Bowman gohoos@erols.com
Roy Bradley roy.bradley@co.halifax.va.us
Shelley Bradley scbradle@chesterfield.k12.va.us
Floyd Brankley Brankley@gcronline.com
Tracey Brewer tbrew001@odu.edu
Alan Briley alanb@gcronline.com
Connie Brisben Constance.Brisben@centrahealth.com
Martha Brizendine briz@halifax.com
Karen Brooks karenmbrooks@hotmail.com
Mae Brooks maebrooks@adelphia.net
Susan Brooks sbrooks1@sc.rr.com
Ben Brown ben@dancom.com
Derek Brown dbrown@gcronline.com
Kassie Brown kassiemay@hotmail.com
Shelley Phillips - Brown Shellbro@hsc.vcu.edu
Don Bryant dbea@halifax.com
Paula Bryant dbea@halifax.com
Janis Buchanan rbuchann@cstone.net
Ricky Buchanan rbuchann@cstone.net
Jim Burgess
Pat Burgess
Ashley Burton aburton@gcronline.com 
Bill Burton bburton@gcronline.com 
Denise Burton dburton@gcronline.com 
Trey Burton tburton@gcronline.com 
Deborah B. Davenport db5@gcronline.com
Buster's Studio vass2020@juno.com
Betty Caldwell
Mary Caldwell
Jack Caldwell wyatts@gcronline.com
Lori Clark Clarks_babe@hotmail.com
Mike Cannon michaelrc72@hotmail.com
Shelia Perkins Carey Texanchilipepper@cs.com
Harold Carmichael htcarmichael@gcronline.com
Tracy  Carmichael htcarmichael@gcronline.com
Mark Carr microwaveheat@yahoo.com
Tracy Carr Brnrdwn93@Yahoo.com
Carla Carrington callawalla@hotmail.com
Cathy Carter CCarter@greenar.com
Darryl Carter earlster@yahoo.com
Wanda Carter woc50@hotmail.com
Lindsey Cash lindseyk44@hotmail.com
Steve, Sandra, Sydney, & Samuel Cash slcashes@localnet.com
Henry P. Chambers chambersh@hq.hqusareur.army.mil
Ashley Chandler duke_girl@hotmail.com
Brian Chandler brianc@usit.net
Chris Chandler Chrisc@halifax.com
Kevin Chandler mentor@gcronline.com
Leeann Chandler chandler@biology2.wustl.edu
Lisa Chandler Chrisc@halifax.com
Tracey Chaney tac@jeburtonconstruction.com
Beulah P. Chappell Bevandbeu@gcronline.com
Kelly & Patricia Chappell chaps@gcronline.com
Sherman Cheek Cheeko@Person.net
Lori Chipps wardsgirl22@yahoo.com
Dawn Church dchurch@gcronline.com
Karen Wingler Church kchurch@gcronline.com
Akia Childress achildress@gcronline.com      
Kim (Smurfy) Childrey tacoma@gcronline.com
Karen Beth Clardy kclardy@gcronline.com
Amanda Clark amandac@halifax.com
Cari Clark cari@gcronline.com
Cheryl Clark theclarks@gcronline.com
Christiana D. Clark
Christopher D. Clark
Rebecca S. Clark
Christy Clark christy@gcronline.com
David (PeeWee) Clark billie@gcronline.com
Dennis Clark theclarks@gcronline.com
Donna & Bear Clark dtc@gcronline.com
Fred H Clark III tac_013@excite.com
Jason and Lisa  Clark jnclark@cstone.net
Martha Clark martha@gcronline.com
Randy Clark randyc_24592@yahoo.com
Ricky Clark ricky@gcronline.com
Rita S. Clark rsclark@gcronline.com
Zane G. Clark zane@gcronline.com
Christopher Clay Stringbean1230@aol.com
Courtney Clay ccpeppr@hotmail.com
Roger and Kathryn Clay theclays@pure.net
Sharon Clay boogerboo@gcronline.com
Amy  Clem
Randy Clem
Jake and Jane Clem jakjan@gcronline.com
Patrick Clewett sonny@tcia.net
Clover Yarns, Inc. cloveryarn@gcronline.com
Cluster Springs Elementary School


Cluster Springs Sanitary Services CSS@gcronline.com
Climate Control Inc. info@ccisys.com
CMS Design cmsdesign@gcronline.com
Elizabeth F. Cole bellairfarm@gcronline.com
Caren Cole jcole@halifax.com
Chris Cole baseball@gcronline.com
Dolores Cole dcole501@hotmail.com
Edward Cole edcole@cstone.net
Gene Cole glc@gcronline.com
Kenneth Cole kennethcole@gcronline.com
Kim Cole kim@halifax.com
Lori Cole baseball@gcronline.com
Linda Cole glc@gcronline.com
Mike E. Cole mandbcole@gcronline.com
Ronnie Cole rbc@gcronline.com
Tanya Cole edcole@cstone.net
Wendy W. Cole coleuva@gcronline.com
Donna Coleman nana@gcronline.com
John L Coleman jlc@gcronline.com
Karla Coleman kc75@sprintpcs.com
Shelly Coleman shell@gcronline.com
Shirley Coleman scoleman@gcronline.com
Matthew Comer brandis@gcronline.com
Randy, Lisa, Randi Gaye, Megan Comer comers@gcronline.com
Bob & BJ Compton bcompton@gcronline.com
Charles & Kimberly Conner klc@gcronline.com
Chuck Conner conner@gcronline.com

H. B. Conner

Jennifer Conner jenalyn_7@yahoo.com
Johnnie Conner lhconner@gcronline.com
Kevin Conner houndog@gcronline.com
Lisa Hite Conner 3Conners@GCRonline.com
Lynn Conner lhconner@gcronline.com
Martha Conner mlc2829@cstone.net
Mickey Conner mlc2829@cstone.net
Mitchell & Ida Conner minpin@cstone.net
Richard (Dick) Conner, Dorothy McDannald, Jessica and Berkley connerfm@meckcom.net
Scott Conner ScottC24592@yahoo.com
Steve Conner SConner@gcronline.com
Telia Conner conner@gcronline.com
Tim Conner Tim@gcronline.com
Timothy Conner ibme76@yahoo.com
Wendy Lowery Conner wendycarol1971@yahoo.com
Willie Conner willie@gcronline.com
B & B Consultants bbsurveying@gcronline.com
Cooper Insurance Agency Cooperins@gcronline.com
Les and Beverly Cook bcook@gcronlin.com
Pam & Barry Cook barryandpam.cook@verizon.net
Dale Cooper dale@gcronline.com
The Conner Family tom&charlene@gcronline.com
Tony Cooper tcooper4@hotmail.com
Jennifer Cooper coop985@bellsouth.net
Ann Crabtree
Ronnie Crabtree
Greg, Bobby, Connie Cranfill gregc@gcronline.com
Katherine Covington kmc9z@hotmail.com
Kenneth Cranford cranford@halifax.com
Laura, John Carrington, and Anne-Carlisle Cranford cranford@halifax.com
Bobby Crews
Gail Crews
Charles, Angie, Taylor, and Katie Crews catcrews@pure.net
Curtis and Elois Crews chcrews@gcronline.com
Deirdre J. Crews dee@gcronline.com
Gene Crews tci@gcronline.com
Joyce P. Crews joyceay@hotmail.com
Karen Crews
Todd Crews
Laura Crews lauracrews@hotmail.com
Sheryl Crews squirrel@gcronline.com
Terry Crews redneckx3@gcronline.com
Tina Crews tinac@cstone.net
Tom Crews tcrews@halifax.com
William J. Crews jchomei@halifax.com
Crossroads Tattoo & Body Piercing crossroadstattoo@hotmail.com
Bettie Crowder par4@halifax.com
C. W. Crowder ccrowder@halifax.com
Dickie Crowder par4@halifax.com
Donna Crowder dcrowder@gcronline.com
Harold Crowder harold@gcronline.com
Jason Crowder jcrowder94@yahoo.com
Marcia Lovelace Crowder 3crowdr@halifax.com
Matthew Crowder superman@cstone.net
Dr. Edward E. Crowe crowe@gcronline.com
The Culley Family ronni@halifax.com
Stan and Hope Culpepper stanandhope@halifax.com
Amy Cumbie sobochick@hotmail.com
Don Cumbie cumbie@gcronline.com
Cycle Works cycleworks@cstone.net
Buster D'Amato Buster@gcronline.com
Charles & Peggy Daniel cwdaniel@adelphia.net
Jami Daniel jamdanie@runet.edu
Sid Daniel & Kim Daniel berly@gcronline.com
Kevin Daniels kevin2492@yahoo.com
Beatrice L.Davis bldavis@gcronline.com
Heather Davis rdavis@gcronline.com
Dwight Dawson
Lori Dawson
Tori Dawson
Johnny Dease jdease@gcronline.com
DeGraw Chiropractic Center degrawchiropractic@gcronline.com
Chris DeGraw drchris@gcronline.com
Andrea Devin andrea_devin@hotmail.com
Donn Dillard ddillard12@comcast.net
Harvey  A.  Dillard hd@gcronline.com
Emily Dillaed bellechate@hotmail.com
Distinct Impressions distinct@gcronline.com
Flo Dixon flo@gcronline.com
Elizabeth Slagle Dodson ltledodson8@gcronline.com
Christi  J. Dorsett vabchbabe76@aol.com
Sasha Doss Nicole_90@excite.com
Tracey Doyle tdoyle@halifax.com
Jack Dunavant jack@halifax.com
Joy Dunavant jld4b@virginia.edu
Mary C. Duncan msmary@gcronline.com
Lloyd Dunn Dunn@gcronline.com
Ollie Dunn o&tdunn@gcronline.com 
Tammy Dunn tndunn@gcronline.com 
Trey Dunn treyd@gcronline.com 
Todd Eakes tweakes@halifax.com
Edith Easley ereed@gcronline.com
Regina A. Easley regina_easley@yahoo.com
Shonda Easley only1le4u@hotmail.com
Nora R. East nreanjo@halifax.com
Nathan Eckenrode Neckenrode@kozmo.com
Dr. Dechez A. Edmonds drdechez@hotmail.com
Lisa Edmonds edmonds_l@yahoo.com
Teylor Edmonds edmonds_l@yahoo.com
James Edmunds II JEdmunds@gcronline.com
Jane Edmunds JaneEdmunds@gcronline.com
Tonalisa Edmunds tonalisa@gcronline.net
Tina Edmondson goldt70406@aol.com
Chad Edwards ccedward@lehman.com
Charles & Judy Edwards edwards@halifax.com
JR  and Michele Edwards edwards02@adelphia.net
Leigh & Reed Edwards theedwards03@earthlink.net
Reed Edwards bigcedar2@yahoo.com
Electric Service Company ESC@gcronline.com
April Elliott april@gcronline.com
Barbara Elliott mydog@gcronline.com
Cecilie N. Elliott elliott@gcronline.com
Darrell & Stephanie Elliott elliott@gcronline.com
Debra Elliott elliotts@gcronline.com
Deborah Elliot deborah@gcronline.com
Eddie Elliott diamondoaks@kerrlake.com
Erica Elliott sbgirl22@hotmail.com
Gail Elliott brneyes@gcronline.com
Joanne W. Elliott sobo@gcronline.com
Justin Elliott elliotts@gcronline.com
Laura Elliott dixie_chick_16@hotmail.com
Ricky Elliott relliott@gcronline.com
Mary Elizabeth Elliott maryeliz46@yahoo.com
Robert, Carol, Spencer, Dorian, & Wesley Elliott cselliot@meckcom.net
Roberta Elliott rmelliot@longwood.lwc.edu
Rodney Elliott rodney@gcronline.com
Ronnie Elliott ronnie@gcronline.com
Jimmy Elliott jwe1va@gcronline.com
Seth N. Elliott elliott@gcronline.com
Dawn Emerson
Doris Emerson
Karen Epperly kepperly72@hotmail.com
Ashley Epperson tmajors@gcronline.com
Brian K Epperson epinremtp@aol.com
Tinker Epperson Sheliarich@adelphia
Jacquelyn W. Epps jacque@pure.net
Jerry Epps Jerry@JerryEpps.com
Mike & Phyllis Epps westbrook@gcronline.com
Otis Epps otepps@yahoo.com
Sarah Dunavant Epps sarahepps@cstone.net
Jaimi Evans SweetAngel2003@hotmail.com
Dickie & Helen Fallen rwf@gcronline.com
Reece and Stephanie Fallen rfsteph@hotmail.com
Beth Farmere elizabethanne99@altavista.com
Glenn L. Faulkner gfaulkner@gcronline.com
Laura Faulkner lbf_03@hotmail.com
Laurietta J. Faulkner mentor@gcronline.com
Lindsey Faulkner lindsey_faulkner@hotmail.com
Scotty E. Felton ScottyFelton@gcronline.com
Edwin Dean Ferrell
Cody  Ferrell
Patsy Sibley Ferrell
Brain Fisher wazekad@cstone.net
Cecil Fisher cbfisher@longwood.lwc.edu
C.W. Fisher minnow@gcronline.com
Sam Fisher scf@gcronline.com
Tim Fisher
Wendy Fisher
David Fitts
Robin Fitts
Rosylind Fitz rfitz@gcronline.com
Wanda Fletcher wandaray@webtv.net
Joe Floyd jfloyd@gcronline.com
Breedlove Ford blford@gcronline.com
Jimmy Ford jford@gcronline.com
Tia Michelle Ford techele@yahoo.com
Jermail Foster fostertj@1maw.usmc.mil
Joni Foster lfoster@gcronline.com
Beatrice Fourqurean bpfourqurean@yahoo.com
Catherine Fourqurean catfourqurean@gcronline.com
Casie Fourqurean
Donald  Fourqurean
Glenn Jr. & Tracey Francis gfrancis@gcronline
Ashley Francisco sugar__17@hotmail.com
Billy Franklin bfrank@gcronline.com 
Susan Franklin Susan.Franklin@halifaxregional.com
Tammy F. Franklin tamjr@cstone.net
Tony Franklin tfranklin@ccisys.com
Wanda Franklin lilbit2@gcronline.com
Carolyn Frantz tcfrantz@nwol.net
John Fredere fredere@gcronline.com
Janet & Wayne Fuller fuller@gcronline.com 
John Fulton fulton@pure.net
Faye Gainey c2f2g2@gcronline.com
Jamie Ganey ganey@gcronline.com
Vickie Ganey ganey@gcronline.com
H. Thomas Gardner tgard@usa.net
Caren Logan Garner caren@gcronline.com
David G. Garner dazzlindgg@yahoo.com
Angie Garrett agmg@halifax.com
Gene's Orange Market gom@gcronline.com
Chris Gibson mschris57@gcronline.com
Janice Jackson Gibson  gibsondj@gamewood.net
David Gibson gibsondj@gamewood.net
Cameron Gillespie camerong@halifax.com
Allen Glass CRACKERTAIL@yahoo.com
Catherine Glass ctg@gcronline.com
Celus & Kelly Glass c&kglass@gcronline.com
Lawrence & Marla Glass bucky@gcronline.com
Paul Glass pag@gcrcompany.com
Mandy Glasscock glasscocka@meredith.edu
Mike Glasscock throckcock@gcronline.com
The Glasscock Family glasscock@gcronline.com
The Goerner Family AvandaroDeerFarm@gcronline.com
Larry Goerner jinx@javachat.net
Jeff Gooden qayva_qv@hotmail.com
James Gordon gordon@halifax.com
Kimberly R. Gordon kredd002@odu.edu
Mitch Gordon mrg2@gcronline.com
Jean H. Gore jhgore@gcronline.com
Larry Darnell Gorham Sr. lgorham@gcroline.com
Kevin Gosier kevingos@gcronline.com
Ollie Younger Gosier olliegos@gcronline.com
Kathy & Mark Gosnell hoosey@gcronline.com
Bill and Susan Granger grangers@webtv.net
Max Gravitt Max.Gravitt@sas.com
Green Auction & Realty sales@greenar.com
Donnie Green DGreen@greenar.com
Nookie Green ngreen@gcronline.com
Howard Gregory hdg87331@adelphia.net
Ruth & Jimmy Gregory jimmyandruth@gcronline.com
Sharlene Gulley sharlenegulley@hotmail.com
Tony Guill dodgeram@gcronline.com
Katina Gunn katg@gcronline.com
Deb & Don  Guthrie dguthrie@gcronline.com
Robert Guthrie rguthrie@gcronline.com
Robin Guthrie
Tony Guthrie
Dorothy Guy VAHotGirl@hotmail.com
Doug Haley dw_haley@hotmail.com
Shawn Hailey shailey@gcronline.com
Halifax County Rescue Squad hcrs@gcronline.com
Halifax County Sheriff's Dept. HCSO@GCROnline.com
Anita Hall thall@gcronline.com
Antoinette Z. Hall ahall@gcronline.com
Bobby R. Hall bhall@gcronline.com
H.B. Hall hallhjr@cstone.net
Jim Hall jim_hall171@hotmail.com
Tom Hall tom@hildenhalifax.com, thall@gcronline.com
Wanda Hall hallhjr@cstone.net
Delores Hamlett momosdogpatch@gcronline.com
Linda Hamlett athome@gcronline.com
Gahear Hamlor Gahear@Mailexcite.com
Sequoia Hassen Sequoia_r_hassen@hotmail.com
Kim Hardy Kim@gcronline.com
Mike Hardy snapper@gcronline.com
Richard Harrell harrell@gcronline.com
Frances Harris fbharris@gcronline.com
Lois Harris lharris61@gcronline.com
Teresa Harris tharris@gcronline.com
Trisha Harris halifaxnurse@microsoft.com
Christy Hatcher tchatcher@gcronline.com
Eddie Hatcher hatchers@meckcom.net
Teresa Hatcher thatcher@gcronline.com
Tommy Hatcher tchatcher@gcronline.com
Tyrone, Trevor & Jasmine Hawkins ahawkins@gcronline.com
Karen L. Hawks karenhawks@hotmail.com
Angela Hazelwood thelongs2001@hotmail.com
Terri Hazelwood terri@gcronline.com
Jonathan Heim jh4sport@cstone.net
Brian & Brandi Henderson meandegg@gcronline.com
Carolyn Henderson curlyn@gcronline.com
Justin Henderson just@pure.net
Rodney & Crystal Henderson rodncrystal@hotmail.com
Roger and Sheila Henderson hendersons@pure.net
Hugh Hendricks hhendricks@gcronline.com 
Charlene Hendricks charleneh@gcronline.com 
Carter L. Hicks Jr. CHicks@gcronline.com
Ginger Anderson Hillsman gingerbread_h@hotmail.com
Angela Glascock Hite mahite@kerrlake.com
Jonathan Hite ghite@halifax.com, buggin69@halifax.com
Laura  Hoag onebum@yahoo.com
Ashley Hodge ash24592@hotmail.com
Jessica Hodge  softballjessica@hotmail.com    softballgurl2001@aaroncarter.com
Tommy Holcombe tommyholcombe@netscape.net 
Caren Logan Holmes caren@gcronline.com
Leigh Holst pup4857@aol.com
Clyde and Sharon Holt wtrapbunch@hotmail.com
Glenda C. Holt gholt@gcronline.com
Lori Holt Garys-Lori@webtv.net
Nancy  and B. W. Holt nanandb@brookneal.net
Sandy Holt appyhoss@hotmail.com
Stacey G. Holt sholt@gcronline.com
Patricia Honeycutt honeycutt@gcronline.com
Krystal Hooker kmhooker@hotmail.com
Krystina Hooker krystinah@hotmail.com
Amanda Hooper hooper_d_duper@hotmail.com
B Hoppe hopalong@gcronline.com
Gail Dennis Howell blondie@cstone.net
Jamie Howerton JHowerton@gcronline.com
Todd Hubbard toddh@roanoke.com
Wendy Hubbard whubbard@bcps.k12.va.us
Brian Hudgins hounddog@gcronline.com
Betty Hudson betty@gcronline.com
Christi Hudson cfhudson@cstone.net
Kathy Hudson quickz28@gcronline.com
Shawn Hudson shudson@halifax.com
Steve Hudson sthudson@vt.edu
Vic Hudson quickz28@gcronline.com
Lynn Hughes
Stacy Hughes
Mark Hughes mhughes@gcronline.com
Shakeitta Hughes sugarbear4_05@msn.com
Woodson Hughes Murnau@webtv.net
Margaret Hunt mahunt@gcronline.com
Rhonda Hunt rhunt@gcronline.com
Michael Hunter hunterhome@gcronline.com
Becky Hutcherson RHutcherson@gcronline.com
Shawn Hutcherson tweety16@cuteandcuddly.com
Karen Hupp khupp@gcronline.com
Marissa Hupp mhupp@gcronline.com 
Kristi Hylton msrutt@gcronline.com
Terry & Regina Hylton 4hyltons@gcronline.com

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