THE ENCOURAGING WORD TEXT: Acts 17:22-30 Introduction: It is believed that Luke the Apostle, wrote the Book of Acts. Luke was a companion of Paul during his sufferings and imprisonment. For Paul wrote to Timothy from prison, "Do your best to come to me shortly. For other friends have forsaken me; only Luke is with me." The Acts of The Apostles is the history of the Apostles. For Apostles were men of action. When they spoke, it was done. Paul preached and was persecuted at Thessalonica, and berea also. Consequently, friends sent Paul away by the way of the sea to other areas. Paul waited at Athens for he was directed to that famous city by the Spirit of The Living God. Athens Greece was famous all over the world for its knowledge, skill, dominion, power, and learning. Paul was not ashamed to stand among the philosophers there, because he was a scholar and had a mission to preach. Moreover, he did not mention this, for he had other business in mind; In God's name, to turn them from service of idols to the the service of the true and living God in Jesus Christ. Whom ever he met, or wherever he went, on the streets, in the market place, or in the Jews' synagogue, always preaching the Christian way. Most people ignored him. However, there were some philosophers who wanted to hear him, and to make remarks. Paul went to Mars' Hill; it was where the Magistrates (public judicial authority) met for public business, and where learned men met to discuss their knowledge. The philosophers said to Paul, We want to know more about this new doctrine, what do these things mean? They were the Epicureans, the Stoics and the Athens. The Epicureans thought God was one of them. They did not admit that God made the world or that He rules it. They wanted their own way in the pleasures and the their happiness. The Stoics thought themselves as good as God; that they were no way inferior to God himself. But it is written: "Deny ourselves." (Mat. 16:24) The Athenians spent their time to tell or to hear some new thing. They were interested in Paul's doctrine, not because it was good, rather, because it was new. Paul told them, There is a God, and He is only One. He preached against the gods they worshipped, by proclaiming that he does not seek to introduce any new gods, but to reduce them to the knowledge of one God. Paul said, I see that you are too superstitious, for you worship spirit demons that are supposed to dwell in the images. They had set up an alter "To the Unknown God." It is amazing to think at Athens, a place that was known for wisdom, knowledge, and superior to think, the true God was an unknown God, which was the only God that was unknown. Who is he that saith, "There is no God." The unbelievers called the Jews' God, the God without a name. This God, Paul said, I now declare unto you. As I passed by, could not help seeing it. "You are already worshiping him ignorantly." Now, I came to your lack of understanding, that you may believe who you are worshiping. The God whom I worship and call you to worship also, is The God that made the world. He is God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Who is he that saith, "There is no God." The Apostles were arrested and put in prison. But an angel was sent by the Lord God to open the prison doors, and brought them out, and said, Go, stand and speak the words of this life. They were found standing in the temple, teaching the people. Moreover, they were arrested and brought to prison again. The high priest asked them, "Didn't we tell you not to teach in the name of Jesus?" Then Peter said, "We ought to obey God rather than men." For The God of our ancestors raised up Jesus, the One you nailed to a tree. God has elevated Him to be "a Prince and a Savior" to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. Paul told the men on Mars' Hill that God made the world and all things. The Lord God asked Job, "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Were you present when the world was made? Describe the formation of the earth if you can. Tell me, who laid the instrument for measuring the line upon it? Were you the architect that designed and drew the dimensions of the earth? What's keeping the earth from falling? Who laid the cornerstone, that the parts of it may not fall apart?" (Job 38:4-11) Who is he that saith, There is no God. Only The True and Living God is The One who woke us up this morning. It was God that created man, from the dust of the ground, the way He wanted, and said: " That was good." God blew into man's nostrils and he became a living soul, to walk upright. Why not make man to walk side-ways? or to walk backwards? God fashioned man exactly how He wanted him. Who made the stars, and placed them in order? Who made the sun to shine by day, or the moon to shine by night? Who made the wind to blow? Who wrote the music for the birds to sing? Who taught the birds to fly high yet come down to earth to eat? Why does the sun rise in the East and set in the West? Why not rise in the South and set in the North? Because the One and True Living God does everything He chooses to do, whatever and whenever He pleases. There is none like unto the Lord our God. The land was covered with frogs and lice, so the magicians said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." Please let the people go. But Pharaoh hardened his heart also, and Moses come again and again to tell Pharaoh , to let his people go to worship God. Consequently, the Lord God made a difference between the cattle of Egypt and the cattle of the children of Israel. The next day all the cattle of the Egyptians were dead, but the cattle of the children of Israel, not one dead. Who is he that saith, There is no God. When your enemies seem to surround you and you can not get out of any given situation, simply call on the Living God, and he will come to your rescue. But how can you call on some one that you do not know? Most assuredly, if you do not know Him, you can. There is a key that will unlock the door to the heart of God. There is a key, where is it? How can it be obtained? Where can it be found? The key is free, believe in your heart, confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved. "For with the heart man believe unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Whosoever believe on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek; for the same Lord God is rich to all that call upon him." (Romans 10:9-10) If you have asked, and receive no answer, be persistent, continue asking, seeking and knocking. Surely, He shall answer. Who is he that saith, There is no God. How can you know God? He knows your uprising, your sitting down, your every thought, desires, heart, ways, He knows everything about you and me. Moreover, we can and often do keep secrets from one another, but there is one who knows all secrets--nothing is hidden from God. That is wisdom. Where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? The fear of the Lord God is wisdom; to depart from evil is understanding. Who is he that saith, There is no God. Come with me to the beach, and lets watch the ocean. The ocean waves coming upon the sea shore, returning and coming back again. As far as I could see, the ocean is meeting the sky. The sky is blue, clear and beautiful. Seemingly, as the sky comes closer to the ocean, the sky becomes light, light & lighter until it appears to be white, where the ocean and sky meet. The birds are flying in formation, only one leading and the others following in a perfect distance from each other. Who is he that saith, There is no God. The fowls of the air obey God; The animals of the earth obey God; The winds & the sea obey God; only man, which was made in the image of God, disobey. I encourage you to believe, call upon Him, for He is The Living God, and his name is "I AM THAT I AM." For it is written, "All the fullness of the God head lives in the bodily form of JESUS CHRIST, my God and my Savior. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. Who is he that saith, There is no God. Surely, there is a God, sitting high and looking low over the world. The New Testament Church This page created and maintained by GCR Online. |