Halifax Church

Early 1830's

Noland Village History

Noland Country Fair Day


Christmas at Noland

Prospect Ordinary
Afton Farmhouse
Robert Carr House
John Carr House
Blanks - Irby House
Hatcher Barn
Noland Post Office
Baldwin House
Halifax Church


The restoration and reconstruction of the Village began in the early 1980's with Halifax Church, the oldest Presbyterian Church in Halifax County, Virginia.


The form and appearance of Halifax Church have survived virtually unaltered from the time of its construction in the early 1830's.  Devoid of all but the simplest of ornament, the one-story, single room, rectangular frame structure is approximately 26' x 31' in size with gable roof and gable-end entrance.


It stands as a testament to the colonialistic austerity of the community's origin and is a strong reminder of the simplicity of the Presbyterian concept of religion and worship.  The building erected by the early congregation is generic to the point of not even possessing a steeple or bell tower to denote its religious purpose.


The restored church building was erected when the Halifax Church was organized at a meeting held for the purpose at Halifax Courthouse on June 19 - 20, 1830.  The first members were four men and six women.


For tour information call (434)454.2210.   The grounds are open to visitors daily.