If you're experiencing a problem with your Internet service, please fill out and submit the following technical inquiry.   Someone will contact you via email or phone within 24 hours.

If what you want to tell us is really more of a suggestion or a request for enhancement, please use our suggestion form instead.

Your Name
Email Address
Phone Number
  • What operating system are you using?
  • Please enter a brief, but specific description of the problem you are experiencing,
    (example: "I can't get into my email," or "I can't view any webpages." etc.);
  • If the problem is reproducible, please list the steps required to cause it,
    leaving a blank line between steps:
  • If the problem is not reproducible (only happened once, or occasionally 
    for no apparent reason), please describe the circumstances in which it 
    occurred and the symptoms observed:
  • If the problem causes any error messages to appear, please write 
    down the exact text displayed and enter it here:

We may need to contact you for more information, such as if we have trouble reproducing the problem you describe.

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