Dial-Up Settings | Mail Server & USENET News Server | Web Browsers | Uploading Your Web Site |
Click here for Windows NT 4 dial-up settings
The dial up settings needed to connect to GCR Online are included in the setup diskette, which came with your account. If, for some reason, you need to verify these settings, please feel free to use the below information as a guide.
Dial-Up Modem Number (South Boston): 5170030 |
Dial-Up Modem Number (Danville): 7997600 |
Primary DNS: |
Secondary DNS: |
Using the Windows 95/98 operating system, under the "Server Types" tab in your GCR Online Dial-Up adapter(in Dial-Up Networking), only "Enable Software Compression and TCP/IP" should be selected. In the "TCP/IP Settings," all DNS and IP addresses need to be set as server assigned. "Use IP Header Compression and Use Default Gateway on Remote Network" should also be selected.
Enter your username and password. Then click "connect." This will connect you to GCR Online and the Internet.
If you are configuring your account without a setup disk, please follow the below steps for Windows 95/98. Please click here for Windows NT instructions.
Configuring Outlook Express 5
1.Open Outlook Express
2. Go to "Tools"
3. Select "Accounts"
4. If you're not already there, select the "Mail"
tab. (Skip to next series of steps if you do not have an
existing account).
5. Select your account (probably mail.gcronline.com) and
then select
"Remove." If you have more than one
account, remove them all as well.
6. Select "Close"
1. Go to "Tools" again
2. Select "Accounts"
3. Click "Add"
4. Select "mail"
The Wizard will start
1. Type your name (select "Next" when finished
with each screen)
2. Type only your e-mail address in the correct field (select
3. Your mail server is a POP 3 server, not IMAP OR HTTP.
Both the incoming
(POP 3) server and outgoing (SMTP) servers are mail.gcronline.com
4. Type your username and password. You have the
option of saving
the password. The choice is yours. DO NOT
check "log-on using SPA" Select
5. If prompted, you will want to select GCR Online for
dial-up connections
for checking e-mail. (select next)
6. Select "Finish"
The e-mail settings needed to connect to our mail server are as follows:
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) | mail.gcronline.com |
Incoming Mail Server (POP3) | mail.gcronline.com |
Newsgroup Server (NNTP) | news.gcronline.com |
The two most popular web browsers on the market are Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape's Communicator/Navigator. GCR Online installs Internet Explorer on all new Internet accounts. Your Internet Explorer software comes with a web browser for web viewing/surfing, a mail client for sending and receiving e-mail, and a newsgroup browser, capable of downloading, posting, and viewing newsgroups. The latest version of Internet Explorer also comes with web editing/publishing software for the development/construction of web sites.
Both browsers are capable of doing such tasks. In our opinion, both are very high quality software products yet the customer may have a preference of his/her own.
To test these products yourself and receive the latest updates, please visit
Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web Site
Netscape's Communicator/Navigator
Again, Internet Explorer is already installed on your computer.
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